So... I decided to go for the Palm Centro.
In reading the reviews about the Centro, it doesn't sound like it's really much of an upgrade from the Treo 600. It's got a better camera, possibly more ringtone support, yada yada so what. No really major improvements. And it's only offered by Sprint, which is lame. But the reason I decided to go for the Centro is because of the plan that Sprint is offering, called the Sprint Employee Referral Offer (SERO). With SERO, I can get:
- 1250 minutes
- Nights and weekends included, with nights starting at 7 pm
- Unlimited texting (normally $10 extra)
- Unlimited data (normally $30 extra)
- All the usual stuff like caller id, call waiting, etc.
- A bag of chips
And the Centro is only $99 when you sign a 2 year contract, not bad for a smart phone. Most are in the $300-500 range.
To sign up for the SERO plan, you technically are supposed to be referred by a Sprint employee. But really all you need is a sprint.com email address. I'm pretty sure they want you to sign up, even if you have never met a Sprint employee, it's all a promotional ploy. The SERO plan is good till Dec 31, 2007, although they'll probably extend it.
Before you sign up, make sure you play around with a Centro -- several people in the various forums hated the keypad. But I didn't mind it. Also, be warned that Sprint's customer service is apparently horrible. I talked to a guy who has Sprint, and he said that the service (coverage, reception, etc.) is great, but whenever he has to call customer service it takes 30 minutes to get ahold of anyone!!
If that didn't scare you off, here's what you need to do to sign up (a lot of this info was obtained from posts on this website):
- Go to http://www.sprint.com/sero
- In the "Get Started Now" box, enter email address savings@sprintemi.com and click "Shop Now". (If that email doesn't work, look here for some more options, under "4: HOW DO I SIGN UP FOR SERO?")
- Select the phone you want. For the Centro, click on "PDAs" and it's the first one on the list. Select the phone color you want, select "Buy with new plan" if you aren't already a Sprint customer, and click "Select".
- Select the plan you want. All the plans that are available for the phone you selected will be displayed.
- On the Shopping Cart page, enter discount code URANG for a $50 invoice credit. (Currently that seems to be the only one working online. If it's no longer working when you try, check out our favorite posting for some more options under "Various codes for invoice credit")
- Click "Checkout"
- Enter your personal info on the checkout page.
- PLEASE NOTE: Sprint will ask for your social security number and run a credit check! If you don't want to deal with that, you might try ordering by phone instead of online to see if they'll let it slide.
- On the next page, enter your billing info.
- On this page you can also decide what phone number you want, if you want to switch over a number that you are currently using. I chose not to do this, because I wasn't sure at what point the number would get deactivated with my current provider. I'm pretty sure you can do it easily once you receive your phone. If not I'm not going to be happy.
- Then they ask for the referring email again (savings@sprintemi.com)
- I glanced through the Terms and Conditions to see what the Early Termination Fee (ETF) was. I couldn't find it, but my friend said that he looked it up and it was $200.
- If you're ready to commit to 2 years, submit the order!
- [At this point, the stupid site failed with a 500 Internal Server Error, the favorite of all web developers. I tried resubmitting several times, but it didn't work. I tried again on IE (I was using Firefox initially) and it failed in the same obnoxious fashion... I did get an email with subject "My Sprint Registration Confirmation" so I thought maybe the order had gone through. But then I clicked on the order status link and it says "Status: ENSEMBLE_ACTIVATION_ERROR". So I have no idea what's up. I tried the phone number (1-800-639-6114) but their offices are now closed.] Update: It worked, I got the phone 3 days later.
- Assuming you have better luck than I did, after signing up you can try sending in this mail in rebate, which appears to offer an additional $50 off the Centro. I'm not sure if it will get accepted but it can't hurt.
- You can also try this referral trick, although it appears that it might not work for people on the SERO plan. If you just got your new phone, you can dial #REF (#733) and enter the phone number of the person who referred you to the SERO plan (any fellow SDer on Sprint will do). Both you and the person whose phone number you entered will then each get a $25 gift debit card from Sprint. You can get up to $300 in referral gift cards per year. All $25 credits will be added to the same debit card you get once you make your first referral. If you lost it, call 800-424-4357. You have to call within the first 15 days of activation to qualify!!! There seems to be an indication the referral program no longer works if one of the parties is on SERO. Let me know if you need my phone number for the referrer.
Great News! Isn't that great?!
Here's my initial "research", from before I knew about SERO:
5:21:51 PM System System
Connected to sprint-ap1.cnxchat.com
5:21:52 PM System System
Session ID: 556654
5:21:57 PM System System
Please hold and the next available agent will be with you shortly.
5:22:02 PM System System
Jennifer has joined this session!
5:22:02 PM System System
Connected with Jennifer
5:22:02 PM Agent Jennifer
Thank you for choosing Sprint Web Chat. My name is Jennifer. How may I assist you with your Sprint.com order?
5:22:56 PM Customer Nate
I am looking into the Palm Centro. Would it require a phone plan and a separate data plan in order to use it for email?
5:23:33 PM Agent Jennifer
Yes, you would have to purchase a voice plan and a Sprint Power Vision Plan to use it for email access.
5:24:52 PM Customer Nate
where do I find info on the Sprint Power Vision Plan? The data plans page only talks about blackberry plans...
5:25:19 PM Agent Jennifer
Hold one moment while I send you some information.
5:27:10 PM Agent Jennifer
You would need to purchase the Sprint Power Vision Pro Pack with that Palm Centro. The Power Vision Pro Pack includes: Unlimited Data Access, Unlimited Web Browsing, Picture Mail, and Sprint Mobile to Mobile, On Demand, NFL Mobile, Sprint TV, Sprint Radio, Unlimited Sprint Navigation, Activesync, and Unlimited Text Messaging for $30 per month.
5:27:40 PM Agent Jennifer
Are you looking to purchase a new phone tonight?
5:27:56 PM Customer Nate
no just researching
5:28:23 PM Customer Nate
i am still in a contract with tmobile that ends in a couple months. do you have any incentives for breaking the contract?
5:28:31 PM Agent Jennifer
I see. I will be happy to answer your questions! How may I further assist you?
5:28:46 PM Agent Jennifer
No, we do not offer contract buy outs.
5:30:05 PM Customer Nate
On your calling plans, it appears that some of them aren't available for the centro?
5:30:47 PM Agent Jennifer
All of our plans are compatible with the Centro. Where are you seeing that?
5:31:21 PM Customer Nate
they say stuff like "This plan is compatible with Nextel phones" or "This plan is compatible with Sprint phones"
5:32:10 PM Agent Jennifer
I see. The Centro can only be used on a Sprint Plan with the Sprint Power vision plan.
5:32:15 PM Agent Jennifer
It can not be used on a Nextel plan.'
5:32:53 PM Customer Nate
do you have a list of the plans it can be used with?
5:34:20 PM Agent Jennifer
If you start an order, you can see all the selections. You can delete this order since you are not ready to continue tonight, when you get to the shopping cart page. You will not have to enter any personal information. To start your order, press the "buy with new plan" button next to the Centro, then it will take you to the plans page to see all the plans you are able to select from.
5:40:06 PM Customer Nate
ok... thanks for your help!
5:40:39 PM Agent Jennifer
Would you like to purchase a new phone today?
5:41:17 PM Customer Nate
got a special today?
5:41:35 PM Agent Jennifer
Great News! If you decide to purchase online today, I can give you a web-exclusive promotional code that will give you $50.00 off your first or second bill for each new line of service. This promotion is good on all phones available on Sprint.com, with the exception of buy-one-get-one-free offers. By ordering online you will also be eligible for free activation and free shipping. This is over a $48.00 savings per phone! Isn't that great?!
5:42:44 PM Customer Nate
I think I'll have to pass till my current contract is up. Thanks!
5:43:05 PM Agent Jennifer
You are welcome. hank you for using Sprint Web Chat. Sprint Web Chat is available Monday - Friday from 9 AM - 11 PM EST and Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM - 8 PM EST. Have a great evening.
5:43:31 PM System System
Jennifer has left this session!
5:43:31 PM System System
The session has ended!