Friday, April 13, 2007

El Sonido de Silencio?

I discovered a Peruvian restaurant near my house, only a year after it opened, and went there for dinner, con una muchacha bonita es claro. I had a fish dish and something purple to drink called Chicha Morada.

The food was good, the people were nice, the server's name was Lali (as in Lali-pop), and they even had musical entertainment. Pan flute and guitar as you might expect. You might also expect that the first song that they played would be El Condor Pasa. But instead we got... The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel? I'm very confused. Are all Simon and Garfunkel tunes of Peruvian origin? Was the band confused about which Simon and Garfunkel they were supposed to be playing? Had they been drinking too much Inca Cola? We may never know.

But I did learn this little tidbit from Lali: "Real Estate" in Spanish is Bienes y Raices. Yes, goods and roots, that's what I do.

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