Thursday, March 30, 2006

Get email notifications whenever I post something new!

A few days back I was complaining about how Blogger should have the ability for all 3 of my regular readers to get an email whenever I post something new to my blog. I looked around on the Internet, talked to some people in the know, and found out that there ARE ways to do that. My friend Blake pointed me to some good possibilities, such as Yahoo Alerts.

But I didn't really love any of the available options, so I created one of my own. I called it "Blog Alert." So, you can now experience the sheer pleasure of receiving email updates every time I decide to share my wisdom.

To sign up:
  1. Enter your email in the "Subscribe" form on the right. Or you can use this link.
  2. Submit the form.
  3. You'll get a confirmation email to make sure it's really you -- just click on the link in the confirmation email and you're ready to go!
  4. You will get at most one email per day -- if there were any new posts that day, you will get an email with a summary of the posts; if there weren't any new posts that day, then you won't get anything.
You can also use Blog Alert to sign up for email notifications from other blogs and sites. Here is a list of popular feeds that you can try out. Or you can try one of my favorites (after clicking on the link, scroll down to "My other recommended RSS feeds").

And finally, if you have a blog of your own, you can add Blog Alert to your own site so people can get email notifications whenever you post something new. You just have to know the URL of the RSS feed for your site (which will vary depending on what blog service you're using). If you're using Blogger it's Once you figure out the RSS feed URL, you can get the HTML for your site here.

Enjoy! And please let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant Nate Tanner, brilliant. I like it. I should have thought of it. I think I'm going to use it!

Afshan Lakdawalla said...

its a great idea, i like it. but i have absolutely no idea what the hell an RSS feed is and im a new user of blogspot me set up blog alerts for my blogsite please? :D

Afshan Lakdawalla said..., this is my email btw

Afshan Lakdawalla said...

thanks! :) i hope i did it right and it works! btw how do u get the info abt who visited ur comes at the end of ur page? sorry if im bugging u by all these questions!