Saturday, June 24, 2006


I've caught a little bit of world cup action lately, and I've come to the following conclusion: Soccer, the most popular sport in the world, is a little silly. Sure, it's a fun game, but some of the rules are really bugging me. I think it could use a few upgrades to make the game more interesting and bring it up to date.

Here are a few of my suggestions for improving the game:

Two 15 minute overtime halves? Are you kidding? Why don't you just start the game over from the beginning and play another 90 minutes?

2) Off sides has got to go.
"Off Sides" is a silly rule. There's a way to teach people not to cherry pick -- utilize your numbers advantage and score a goal! Getting rid of off sides would open up the game and make it more exciting. And anything to increase scoring would be great!

1) And my number one suggestion for soccer nation... STOP THE CLOCK!
Every other timed sport in the world stops the clock when play stops. In soccer, the clock that everyone sees keeps running, but the the clock in the ref's hands is stopped. So no one except the ref knows how much time is left in the game. What can possibly be the advantage to this? It makes no sense. It's annoying. Stop doing it!

Thank you for listening, and now that the U.S. is out of competition, may I just say: VIVA A SELEÇÃO BRASILEIRA!

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